Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Front-lines

I work at a bank. This past week, I had to go to our Central Operations for a training. While I was there, I noticed that the "back room" workers kept referring to what I do as working in the front-lines. At the time, it made sense. I am literally placed at the front of the bank. My desk is in the front of the lobby. People usually stop and ask to speak to someone when, technically, I am no one's secretary.

However, the past couple of days. The phrase "the front-lines" has vividly cast a blinding light into my eyes. I am the disposable. I am the first victim. I am the defeated. Women in their fur muffs and chanelle perfume blast their barrels at my defenses. They cut me with side comments and sneers. At the same time, the faith of an entire institution rests on the hope that I will succeed at what I do. Guard what is beloved to its people. Money. At the same time, I am the hope. I am the help. I am the hero.

With that being said, fight on all you front-liners. Fight on.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Okay Okay, so I am not the greatest blogger in the world. In fact, I may be one of the worst bloggers in the world. Nonetheless, I'm going to blog.

I am finding it hard to believe that it has been a year since I started this blog. It has been a year since I graduated from college. Let's take a look at what has happened this past year.

1) I moved back home to Colorado from Arkansas
2) I actually got a job (I feel with a little bit of luck)
3) I lost thirty pounds
4) I have kept the faith

Now, I have never been big on New Years Resolutions. Don't get me wrong. If they truly do work for some people, that is terrific. I guess I am just always looking to improve myself in some way, so I don't necessarily need to pick a specific day to do it.

But, I am now going to look into the future and make some plans for the coming year. I hope this next year includes:

1) Moving out of my parents house
2) Either moving to India, Arkansas, or Texas
3) Keep the weight off
4) Keep the faith.

We'll just have to see how that goes... :)