Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Achieve Greatness

Ever since I entered into the realm of higher education, I have been convinced that I am destined for greatness. That phrase is a little cliche to be sure, so let me explain what I mean. I want to mark a divet in the windshield of the world. I want what I took from school to influence at least one other human being before I die. Now that I am working in a field not even close to either of my degrees, I find myself wondering, "What's so great about this?" So, I pose this question, where do you find great opportunities within the ordinary grind of life?

I am not really sure what to do at this point. I wrote one column for my local newspaper, and I am trying to become more involved with work, but how do I find greatness while striving to remain content to stay where I am, in the moment, right now?