Friday, February 19, 2010

Home Once Again...

So, basically I did not get the job I was hoping for in my last post. Actually, the same day I found out that I did not get that job, my boss from my job back home called to tell me that someone had just quit and asked if I would be willing to come help out for a while. The next day I also applied for Teach For America: a corps program that trains and places teachers into underfunded schools throughout the U.S. I will find out if I get that job at different points throughout March.

Back to where I am. I am back home once again, but now I have a job. I am not going to be here for too long. I think it will only be about 5 weeks total. The good news is that I am taking this sort of set back with a sip of sugar. I am referring to these weeks as my 5 weeks of cleansing. Here are the rules that I have set for myself:
  • Nurture my skin and face
  • Do not eat any junk food
  • Do not spend any money unless absolutely necessary
  • Only eat 2 Girl Scout Cookies after only one meal each day (thank you Kristin)
  • Do weight training at least once a week
  • Exercise 6 days a week
  • Go to church every Sunday
  • Love customers that I may not want to love
  • Try to get along with my mom
  • No make up allowed
  • Get enough sleep (but not too much)
I am now on day 4, and so far so good. I have worked out every day this week, and have followed all the things on my list. I also have somewhat of a reward system. I make some amount of tips at my work, and I do not spend these until Friday. Friday I can pick one thing that I want to reward myself with. For instance, today I ate at Subway. Some other possible rewards I may choose in the future may be a latte or an itunes card.

Basically the point of this cleanse is to let all of my flaws, impurities, issues, and blemishes shine through, so I no longer cover them up, but rather try to work on improving and perfecting them. I am embracing these five weeks to not only improve my financial situation but also to improve myself (I'm sorry. That came out a little cheesier than I thought it would).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am currently unemployed...

I am currently unemployed. Over the past couple of years or so, I have really tried to figure out that one special question that you are asked since you are a toddler: What do you want to be when you grow up? I have been leaning on the side of Law School, but after completing my undergraduate, I have completely decided that I at least need a small break from organized education. I have also thought about going abroad and teaching (particularly in India) English. You know how you hear people, speakers, come back from an exotic land telling you all about themselves working abroad somehow and how great it was. Turns out, getting to the "abroad" part of my plan is a lot harder than it sounds. At least for me.

This leads me to my current predicament. I am currently unemployed. I have been through weeks of job hunting and interviews. I am on week five, and I still have no job. Last week, I interviewed for a position with 46 other applicants! It was a group interview, and I am sitting there surrounded by the recently unemployed people of America's recession thinking, "How could I possibly be deserving of a job like this? These people have kids and families to support!" Yesterday, I had a final interview for a position that would be so great. It is right across the street from where I live, and could possibly help me save up to go "abroad" and teach.

For now, I wait.